Sorted by: 6. OwnerId , (Select Id, OwnerId From Contacts) from Account a Where a. The waitForQualityGate step will pause the pipeline until SonarQube analysis is completed and returns quality gate status. So you’d have to check if it’s not just a matter of the Background Task being queued while other tasks are ongoing. 4. 7. base: master. I have a SonarQube server & sonar-scanner + Jenkins setup on my server (no docker). Improve this answer. We’ve set up a SonaQube webhook to notify Jenkins the code scan result, and it works well. 2 (my bad!) As for the SonarQube plugin for Jenkins, we are on a shared environment with other teams and the team that manages the setup is concerned about. Not sure if it’s relevant but Force user. 3. 4 KB. ganncamp (G Ann Campbell) March 19, 2020, 12:18pm 2. 3. There are two ways of writing pipeline code in jenkins, scripted and declarative. 1. keystore passw: password. In fact, I don't believe the "task" api used inside the "waitForQualityGate" step can use anything but the "token" authentication method. 0 Sonar Jenkins Plugin: 2. 2. These are the versions that we are using: SonarQube - Enterprise EditionVersion 7. txt and exits with:declaration: package: org. Step #2 happens asynchronously. I'm trying to create a Jenkins multibranch pipeline where on every push to bitbucket, a SonarQube analysis is performed on that branch of the project. The current setup is as follow: Jenkins 2. 1 LTS or 8. 204. +, Jenkins 2. SonarQube Jenkins 插件扫描两个特定行的构建输出,用于获取 SonarQube 报告任务属性和项目 URL。如果您调用 sonar-scanner不输出这些行,waitForQualityGate() call 将没. There are two things you have to be aware of. SonarQube. I have the following Jenkinsfile in the root of my Spring Boot based project which gets executed in Jenkins and builds the project. 9. 1873 Plugin: 2. Steps to reproduce: Create a Jenkinsfile to analyse a small project (in our example, 20 typescript files), ensuring that the ‘waitForQualityGate’ step is used after the scanning. properties for this Jenkins instances. 1We can see the expected build status, but there is one issue with this approach. Delays the execution of the workflow by specified time in minutes. I don’t know what led me to try adding a “sleep(10)” between the steps, but it seemed like a situation where I was calling “waitForQualityGate” before something was properly ready, so adding the sleep seemed to make sense, and it appears to resolve the issue. Hi @rajatrj16, Please create a new thread and include the details of your pipeline. This issue is a bit old, but I just had a very similar issue due (I think) to crossing fs types. 1 Answer. waitForQualityGate in Jenkins pipeline. Our setup is pretty straight forward. josefsalyer wants to merge 2 commits into jenkinsci: master from josefsalyer: master. 2155 (latest) I do know that the Jenkins plugin is out dated, but the situation at my company is that the Jenkins is running almost 24/7 with builds and usually won’t be restarted and has no internet access. javaOpts ! now there’s a dedicated property . 1 Kubernetes Plugin for Jenkins 1. Generate truststore for SonarQube: keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias jenkins-host-name -file cert. Hi @arielman,. I do see the json payload in sonarqube server webhooks console but it is in failed status (red cross-mark). ce. I'm using the sonar scanner jenkins plugin 2. Hi @rajatrj16, Please create a new thread and include the details of your pipeline. This is a mono-repo with a quite huge workspace. renanh (Renan Henrique) August 14, 2019, 2:07pm 1. 6. Variables on the other hand (like your dateInternal which is a variable holding a closure) get compiled as a. 8. 1,353 2 2 gold badges 19 19 silver badges 39 39 bronze badges. getItemByFullName ("JobName") . The A stage is marked as SUCCESS which might be confusing. After moving sonarqube behind getting certificate issue on jenkins for “waitForQualityGate”. So far, I was using waitForQualityGate to get Sonar's quality gate results back in Jenkins and it was working as expected. Choose a base branch. Save the pipeline and run it again. Hello. pipeline, class: WaitForQualityGateStepThe waitForQualityGate () step needs some credentials to fetch quality gate details from the SQ server. analysis. The SonarQube installation is on the Jenkins master, but the builds. A 0 value means that workflow execution will start without delay. javaOpts ! now there’s a dedicated property . Hi I need to Add Quality Gate Sonarqube plugin in jenkins, so that jenkins will marked as failed if quality gates is not passed. png. Whether it’s that or something else,. Regardless, as I said in a comment, using a waiting step inside a node is not a good idea in general. 2、JDK也要升级. waitForQualityGate can't find task id. When you define a method in Groovy script (like your date() method) it gets compiled as a class level method (each Groovy script compiles to a class that extends groovy. 小编典典 为什么SONAR在waitForQualityGate()上失败并出现错误401? jenkins其中,waitForQualityGate监听Webhook返回的结果,所以必须保证sonarqube中已经正确配置,否则会一直监听,所以增加了timeout的超时配置。防止卡死,时长自定义,如果正常应该秒级可以返回。这样才能真正的控制流程,不然sonarqube失败也继续构建就不合理了。Jenkins : waitForQualityGate function returns PENDING status and stays like that, even if the status is SUCCESS after 1 second (1) as they say it is an workaround and not a solution. We are using the SonarQube Scanner plugin and the pipeline step waitForQualityGate to wait for the quality gate. In the build/gsptmp folder, Grails 4. If, for whatever reason, the scan isn't finished, then waitForQualityGate will still time out because the webhook isn't being fired. Jenkins Maven Job should fail when Sonar does not meet quality gate. SonarQube server 6. instance. 4. String query = 'Select a. I changed the encoding of my file from UTF-8 with BOM to UTF-8 and it fixed the problem. qualitygate. which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension) SonarQube 8. javaOpts ! now there’s a dedicated property . I am executing in a pipeline a command to pass the sound of a project, what I need is that, just like in a normal job the sonar link remains once the job is executed, the same happens in the pipeli. The problem I have is that the Quality gate step always return a 401, even tough the analysis is working fine. javaOpts ! now there’s a dedicated property . Before Sonarqube 7. SonarQube Scanner - 4. In the environment section I use the jenkins credentials function to obtain a secret stored in jenkins and assign it to an environment variable. 最佳答案. to the Build Breaker plugin. 9. 7. 5. Hi, I have a multi-project Gradle build with projects “frontend” and “backend”. name’. Hi, Your screenshots show that you have created a token. Hi Sonar Team, I am trying to run sonar-scanner and access quality gate results and am kind of stuck after trying various options suggested on forums. It’s just a post that we are also facing this issue : Sonarqube scanner cli - huge memory to find report - out of memory exception waitForQualityGate. But according to your pipeline snippet, I see that you are passing manually /d:sonar. 1. I need some help, i am trying to set the build status as "Unstable" if quality gate on sonarqube fail. 2. I’m only doing this in one project as an experiment. ". 1 in a declarative pipeline. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. All webhooks worked fine, but the delivery to Jenkins in the same network did not. I had jenkins_home on a vfat fs with a symlink to my working directory on my Ubuntu system (ext4). Jenkins <-> Sonarqube it should work. 1. 23 with SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins 2. I don’t know what led me to try adding a “sleep(10)” between the steps, but it seemed like a situation where I was calling “waitForQualityGate” before something was properly ready, so adding the sleep seemed to make sense, and it appears to resolve the issue. 1 what are you trying to achieve I am trying to implement the waitForQualityGate() stage in my Jenkins build and deploy pipeline. Type IN: '+ accTypesToInclude ; As I stated previously, this dynamic string binding only occurs in a. However, my requirement is that based on the number of defects that Sonar finds, it. This is a mono-repo with a quite huge workspace. So you’d have to check if it’s not just a matter of the Background Task being queued while other tasks are ongoing. We are using the SonarQube Scanner plugin and the pipeline step waitForQualityGate to wait for the quality gate. jenkinsfile-loader container uses Jenkins REST API to create Jenkins jobs directly from Jenkinsfiles located in jenkinsfiles directory. ce. 6 The overall pipeline stages, using Pipeline script implementation are as follow: Scan codebase using [email protected] Do you know of a way to specify the access token when using the waitForQualityGate() step? I am configuring this with a Jenkins pipeline. /conf/sonar. Summary: we changed IP addresses; I updated IP addresses, but waitForQualityGate() is still looking for old IP address. Conventionally this is the Dockerfile in the root of the source repository: agent { dockerfile true }. txt in Jenkins workspace of your. timeout Maximum time to wait for the response of a Web Service call (in seconds). 2. 9版本开始就不再支持MySQL了。. Expected a step @ line 11, column 17 #346. I suspect there might be an authorization issue, but I cannot figure how to send the to waitForQualityGate method. 1 LTS with SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins (2. Regardless, the logs for waitForQualityGate never continue beyond. Hi @rajatrj16, Please create a new thread and include the details of your pipeline. This is one of the easiest ways with which you can install your favorite editor along with your docker container. Please ensure that Jenkins is correctly receiving a payload sent by the SonarQube server when an analysis report is processed. WaitforQualityGate not working with authentication in Jenkins. io to get quality gate result. 1873/linux SonarQube Enterprise 7. The MSBuild scanner is actual 4. Maybe, one important thing, I am using slave agent. 2 / Postgres 9. Then with proper webhook configuration and communication between. Here we will discuss how to start with writing a scripted pipeline in Jenkins. I have created a Jenkins build pipeline and configured SOnar as I described in one of my earlier questions. Jenkins : waitForQualityGate function returns PENDING status and stays like that, even if the status is SUCCESS after 1 second (1) as they say it is an workaround and not a solution. After upgrading to Jenkins 6. 15+ Best Gate. Our code is like below, exactly follow the official document. So you’d have to check if it’s not just a matter of the Background Task being queued while other tasks are ongoing. The waitForQualityGate() Method retrieves the manually triggered webhook and everything works as expected. Default value: 0. /conf/sonar. Find below the configuration i've got so far: Stage sonarQube Scan I've found this a. Let use know if the community can help addressing this issue (submit a PR maybe ?Jenkins : waitForQualityGate function returns PENDING status and stays like that, even if the status is SUCCESS after 1 second (1) as they say it is an workaround and not a solution. [Pipeline] waitForQualityGate [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // timeout [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] End of Pipeline java. Using a minimal pipeline, and withSonarQubeEnv, the output file seems to be missing. 6. 2 SonarQube Scanner (Jenkins) 2. sonarsource. The credentials are expected to be set in Jenkins global configuration, for your 'Local' server. I’m only doing this in one project as an experiment. It's also possible to run scripts not in sandbox mode, which implies that the whole script needs to be approved by an administrator at once. properties for this Jenkins instances. 2102. 9 LTS and the sonar scanner cli via Jenkins. log } PS: not sure your code will work as such, but you should at least put it inside the script part. I am using Sonarqube 6. 根据官网的描述,SonarQube在7. 9. Already have an account?We are using the SonarQube Scanner plugin and the pipeline step waitForQualityGate to wait for the quality gate. 8 this had to be done via sonar. Jenkins : waitForQualityGate function returns PENDING status and stays like that, even if the status is SUCCESS after 1 second (1) as they say it is an workaround and not a solution. Hi @rajatrj16, Please create a new thread and include the details of your pipeline. 4. . jks. /gradlew sonarqube -p backend . decoration takes more time, sonar will be still in IN PROGRESS state even webhooks were already sent. Uninstall this plugin. but the call of “waitforqualitygate” is running from the Jenkins master. 2. dockerfile. waitForQualityGate(webhookSecretId: 'yourSecretID') if your pipeline is declarative or. 0. Share. Open josefsalyer wants to merge 2 commits into jenkinsci: master. We will write pipeline code for a java web app project using maven, however high level structure will hold true for any. Jenkins : waitForQualityGate function returns PENDING status and stays like that, even if the status is SUCCESS after 1 second (1) as they say it is an workaround and not a solution. Is there a way to extract the webhook payload from waitForQualityGate function or its response ?. it waits on this stage for a long time. { [Pipeline] waitForQualityGate Checking status of SonarQube task 'AWBQJZXt3d5I4mceYXPp' on server 'SonarQube_Prod' SonarQube task 'AWBQJZXt3d5I4mceYXPp' status is 'SUCCESS' [Pipeline]}waitForQualityGate timeout in Jenkins SonarQube. 当然默认自带的H2也算,不过只能用于demo,不能用于生产。.