These trials are only available for the difficulty of each level. Current best spot to farm Green Gems. Supreme Kai's Trials. < Any tips on who I should get? AGL Super Vegito - SA10, has bottom right path unlocked. best stage to grind blue gems? nehukog 9 months ago #1. 413. First contact - bugs, false info in-game & on official twitter. 300×5= 1500 gemmes. The last Story stage isn't bad either if you want EXP and incredible gems as well. Back to Shop. There are two types of currencies that you need to earn in the Dokkan Battle game. Both have a chance of giving out a 77 blue gem, although rare. Super Saiyan 3 Goku (Angel) [Bronze] x1. Vote. Passion Over Pride Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta. The problem is the cloud will take you randomly to either the blue gems path or the boss. Dokkan Battle Optimizer Home Twitter Settings Log inVideo Title: EZA STR LR VEGITO BLUE VS. What is the best stage to farm incredible gems (blue) for blue Vegeto’s EZA? : r/DokkanBattleCommunity What is the best stage to farm incredible gems (blue) for blue Vegeto’s EZA? 16 10 comments Best Add a Comment Jdinshaw • 8 mo. (On quest mode) Yeah mane. Stage 29-6 is the fastest from what I’ve heard. What's the best stage to farm green gems on? 2. Dokkan Festival: Super Saiyan 3 Goku & Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta; Dokkan Festival: Goku (GT) & Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta; Rising Dragon Carnival: Omega Shenron; Dokkan Festival: Tanabata (2023) Gachas. I've been thinking about which villain for Golden week would be the most helpful to bring relevance to Villain teams and the answer i got was Baby simply due to how insanely versatile his leader skill can be while also giving the 2 latest villain releaseses (S17 and LR Buu) a 200% lead to be ran on. The game has many different modes in which players can use characters from the Dragon Ball universe. Area 2: The Ultimate Life Form! Area 6: The Androids Attack! Area 7: Assault of the Saiyans! Area 17: Frieza's Menace! Area 23: Stop Cell's Perfect Form! Area 29: United Front! *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and. give me a new dokkanfest ui goku akatsuki. samxmas 5 years ago #3. bosshankwar • 1 min. . JP Dokkan Battle Discussion #113: I will not let you destroy my world! 425 posts, 4/7 11:52PM. Blue Gems Farm. Scamco & angry dolphin (to be continued) 1 / 3. One of the delays in the summon page was how much data there is to a single summon and how much of it was duplicated. Here's a quick guide on how to farm Incredible Blue Gems in Dokkan! This will be updated as future methods become available in the coming months. Just pop the stage on auto and sit back and relax 0 Daniel Stargate ·. Once you find the right one, you just need to click on the blue “Get” button, and the macro will be imported to your BlueStacks. 108K subscribers in the DokkanBattleCommunity community. 1. • 15 days ago. 9K subscribers Join Subscribe 1. 16. 6 points Mar 10, 2021 Report. That stage is good to level up links too. To respond to many questions about 12-8; It's bad. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Incredible Blue Gems Guide: Schnell und einfach Blue Gems farmen auf der besten Stage in Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle ️Let's Play. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! Game Items Awakening. You will be able t. Extra Characters. r/DokkanBattleCommunity. 22; Leader Skill: Super Class Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +120% x15: Step 2: Max SA Lv. The stages that Dokkan Battle players used to prefer were stages 8-9 and 15-2. 30-100. Anniversary coins: you can only get these from login rewards and from the super warriors event, which only drop once. With the equipe farm, you were bound to find yourself with too many puple gems. . Makaay10 · 9/28/2017. For every completion of this stage, you will receive 81,600 experience for your rank. I prefer 28-2 but before you do that just try and do the supreme Kai trials for areas 28-30 since they give a bit of blue gems. The Wall Standing Tall. is this a troll? Is my luck bad? Did Bamco patch it? Please help me! Thanks! 18 - 5 is pretty good as Pilaf has a high chance to spawn and he. r/DBZDokkanBattle. 1. 33. Dokkan Battle ID: 1432303189 SamxGFQ. Shotlegend2200 • 8 mo. 13 posts, 3/31 5:03PM. God Impact. . Which is the best item for blue hive boost? 114 votes. It used to be the Eighter and 17 Event, but the last stage will do. 4. 16K subscribers Subscribe 43 Share 5. What is the current best stage to farm incredible gems on? I’ve heard it was 24-7 I did a few runs and I only encountered pilaf one time. What Stage is *BEST* for Farming Blue Incredible Gems? | DBZ: Dokkan Battle Mythodikal 1. ATK & DEF +40%; all allies' Ki +2. r/DokkanBattleCommunity. "Incredible Gem (Blue)" is here! Incredible Gems (Blue) can be exchanged for rewards. 9K subscribers Join Subscribe 1. The Saiyan Lineage. 176. The Tier List; Mono Leaders; Top Leaders; Free Characters; Featured Gachas. Here are some tips: I found stage 23-5 to be the best solution with Pilaf and/or Launch appearing most of the runs. Crystal steps look like this . PayPal Donation Donate Bitcoin. Best stage to farm Incredible Gems? People have been saying that "Sovereign of the Warrior Race" is the best place to farm them, claiming they got 3-9 gems, but when I tried it, I only got 1-2 gems. 42 gems per run. And green gems had a. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle. pages. 29-3 for Green and 29-6 for Blue. So I would say 29-6 for auto and 29-4 for manual fights. Complete 10 of Exciting! Winter Missions (Daily Missions excluded): x1500. 141 Items. Hey Everyone and WELCOME to Darkson Gaming, my name is Chris and on today's video we take a look at how to farm for incredible gems. . But unless you're a whale and you refresh stamina with stones, or you just waste all your meat items, this stage kinda sucks for link levels. This is one of the most helpful threads on this page I'm trying to get the Awakening Medals for Vegito so I need a lot of Incredible Gems for them. A New Event Is Coming Soon! (Updated) A new Extreme Z-Battle related to the movie will become available on 11/25 (Thu) PST! Mon 11/22/2021 12:00 am. Join. Summon Rate Calculator; All. Theres no point farming green gems anymore. Not sure if area 30 is much better. Are they a good leader or more of a regular unit? 474. I'm on JP, sitting on 7000 from link leveling. r/DBZDokkanBattle. 300 No limit. i usually do Area 23/LVL8/1 final boss Teq Turles. 24-4 is the best I've used. 23. Blue gem farming . It also the best link leveling level 9 SewerLooter • 8 mo. Best. 48 posts, 5/28 4:28PM. Theres actually a few just as good and even shorter maps between areas 24 and 27, but for the life of me I cant remember exactly which and Im not testing it again. God Impact (Extreme) Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes mega-colossal damage and greatly lowers the enemy's ATK. Members. Instagram: SSJERIK Here's how you farm the gems, and it's so easy. • 12 days ago. 8 can drop anywhere between 1-2 incredible gems. You get like 3 gems per run. Flaring Rage Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth) 777 No limit. Best. ago 28-2. New quest area that opened up. This page is a list of all released cards of the same character including his/her/their power ups, transformations, different character depending on series (DB, DBZ, DBS, DBGT, Game adaptations,. I want to eza lr str vegito and wanna know the fastest way to farm blue gems comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Both. . If you want xp and incredible gems it’s good, but if you only care about link levels 7-10 is the best with 8-9 being right behind it. Boards. DBS BROLY! THE ULTIMATE RED ZONE! (DBZ: Dokkan Battle)-----. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best map for incredible gems?". com. KingyWhyTea · 11/26/2017 in Game Help. EZA. Super Class Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%. Drop Locations/Rates (Best 50) Droprate: Qty/Run: Area: Stage: 100%. 2K views 2 months ago. Is there anything I missed? Feel free to let know in the comments below if I did! Consider Joining the Discord!: to Suokoui. You get blue gems in there, but keep in mind that you can exchange blue for green later on, so if you don't need blue, just convert to green if needed (doesn't work the other way though). The below events/units require incredible gems. 2. Blue gems? stage 28-2. Premium Powerups . (or at least the best mode auto for blue gems too) thanks for your replies !. 28-1 is the better for manual. pages. Clear a stage in under 1 minutes and 30 seconds: x1000. I get a min of 7 per run. This is a way to get green gems fast. Exchange your blue gems for green gems. Farming incredible Gems. In this video we take a look at how to get Incredible Gems (Blue) & Incredible Gems (Green) and the best ways of farming them along with which areas of the q. 21. There are only two ways to get Potara Medals in Dokkan Battle: Limited Baba’s Treasures shops. I farmed the stage 28-2 for link levels as well as blue gems. Introduction: Fast and Best Way to Grind Incredible Gems in Dokkan Battle. If it’s your lucky day and there are Potara Medals in Baba’s Treasures, 10 Potara Medals will cost you 70 Incredible Gems. 89% and . What’s the best stage to farm blue incredible gems on jp? Advertisement Coins. I've gotten over 400 gems in less than a day. Best Blue gem farm stage? I've been doing 28-2, though I've only been getting 4 per run. 6 fights with blue gems that can be converted to green. 3. Super short stage with 1 fight nd the rate is good. Kim Kardashian Doja Cat Iggy Azalea Anya Taylor-Joy Jamie Lee Curtis Natalie Portman Henry Cavill Millie Bobby Brown Tom. You farm blue gems and rank EXP in the process, and its also MUCH faster to complete than the actually good link level stages, like 7-10. Proably new best LL stage gives blue and green gems with 4 fights and the first only has 2 enemies with rest only having 1. 1:1 exchange rate too, meaning Purples become automatically better at that point. ago. ALL POSTS. There are trees with white leaves in the wasteland that give blue crystallized sap, which is a replacement for blue gems. 129000. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related. 8 can grant you around 40 incredible gems per run, which is a decent chunk. Friendly reminder you will need 675 blue incredible gems to fully EZA Str VB. Majin Buu Saga - Potara - Final Trump Card - Battle of Wits - Fused Fighters. Dokkan Battle Glitch tool is available online and you can use it for free. All of them in the Post. kosakakawajiri • 1 min. CashMoneyOfYou2 · 10/13/2018. Et on va avoir porunga qui propose 777 gemmes. The stage may look a bit more scattered, but the time it takes to get to the boss is about the same. ago. kirby7374 6 years ago #1. 24; Super Attacks (Lv. #MrBaby #DokkanBattle #RoadTo50k Video Title: UPDATED! BEST WAYS TO FARM INCREDIBLE GEMS *FAST* IN DOKKAN! | DBZ Dokkan Battle⬇️ JOIN THE INFANTRY ELITE. Evil Warrior with Forbidden Power Turles; Power to Defend the Green Planet Goku; Coordination in Ruffling up the Battlefield Amond & Rasin; Cutting off the Path of Retreat Daiz & CacaoVideo Title: FARM THIS RIGHT NOW! BLUE GEMS ARE MORE AND MORE IMPORTANT! BLUE GEMS UPDATE! (DBZ:Dokkan Battle)#dokkanIf you only care about gems, the very last stage is pretty good for quickly seeing if you're gonna get gems or not. 21-1. Level 1: Fighting Red Ribbon Soldier on the map will drop x1. Sonicsammo · 11/26/2022. . r/DokkanBattleCommunity. Gift Cards Shop. including "Super Saiyan God SS Vegito [Rainbow]", the Awakening Medal required to Extreme Z-Awaken. 29-6 is another auto stage for Purple (or blue if you wish), and in a little while longer (Hopefully before saiyan day) you will get the abillity to exchange Purple to Green at will. Skill Orbs obtained from Levels 5-7 can only be used on. While you are able to exchange blue gems into green, the rate at which you can grind blue gems is much slower than grinding green incredible gems. 6. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! Dokkan Battle News Category. been farming 21-1 and it only got me many red and blue gold capsule, never once did i see a purple gold. 0. Atomic1717 · 11/26/2022. Video Title: +50 INCREDIBLE GEMS IN ONE RUN! INCREDIBLE GEMS FARMING GUIDE (Dokkan Battle)-----. Join. Need Incredible Gems? Here's how I've been farming lots of Incredible Gems in Dokkan Battle. I'd sya yes, i can get something like 7 per run. 2000 No limit. @Kishore Khetani. ) or Extreme Z-Awakenings. anyone know how to get these blue gems. . Extreme Super Battle Road 21 - 30.