About this group. . While some may think Are We Dating the Same Guy? is a “guy-bashing group,” the group works to protect women from dangerous or unsafe situations, Wyno explained. -It can be used as a place where girls can warn other girls about toxic men. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. 9K members. There. About this group. If you notice that you’re reaching out to one another via text, Facebook Messenger, Instagram DM, and anywhere else people can communicate with one another, this could be something more than a hookup. These "are we dating the same guy" groups are including as much personally identifiable info as possible about the men in question specifically to help others identify him. “Are we dating the same guy? Toronto/Mississauga” is intended to be a safe space. As I understand, these groups for women warning other women started after a men’s counterpart of this type of group where they would (unconsensually) post nudes of women they dated. The reason the group "Are we dating the same guy" is still up. You're obviously a catch, and the trashing of you by your dates - to other women - is a way to "get back at you" for not choosing them. I know of much worse outcomes, like above, and think everyone has a right to vet their partner. As said, this. On the flip side, the guys are getting views but no "likes" or. Make sure everyone feels safe. Soon, women all over the country were posting in their local “Are We Dating the Same Guy?” groups—describing men they’d matched with on dating apps, or. Are we dating the same guy? I think we’re all abit tired of getting to know a man, then finding out he lives a double life! Join so this doesn’t happen to you 珞. Jan 10. About this group. . "This group is about protecting and empowering women. Because it simply sounds like a good idea on paper, people just want to vet and see whether the people they're going out with aren't some maniacs. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. 2. It’s undeniable that some men are more attractive than others, and that sometimes men will use this attractiveness to deceive and try to date multiple women polygynously. -It can be used as a place. About this group. So you just have to search in the ones that are for your city or your area. She then famously dated model Gabriel Aubry — with whom she welcomed daughter, Nahla Ariela Aubry — from 2002 until 2010. 4. 2. We are all here for the saMe reasons let’s remember that. Navigate the world of online dating with ease using a unique dating app review platform. Multiple ways to connect. This is the right place to post about the man you talking to, dating or are with. So I recently tried a hand at online dating again and downloaded bumble. We’re focused on making it fun, easy and affordable to find the other half who understands the real you in Barrie. Just tell us about Chad who gave you an STD and gaslighted the fuck out of you for the situation. We're all in this together to create a Welcoming environment. Facebook is home to many wonders especially through its various groups, we dive in to "Are we dating the same guy?" which recently blew up on TikTok for expo. ago. Unfortunately, he did not win his case against FB alone. 0 coins. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. There are popular Facebook groups called “Are We Dating the Same Guy?” that are helping women know if he's a good guy or find out if your partner is cheating. A number of woman on the "Are We Dating the Same Guy" Facebook group have discovered that they've all been duped by the same strapping blond guy: Long Island Kevin, who also happens to be married. Is it really that guys fault that he doesn’t have the energy to give them all the attention they desire or get into relationships. I am not sure if the post is down. "This group is about protecting and empowering women. The screenshot, taken from dating app Hinge, shows software engineer Evan,* with thick black hair and a big, toothy smile. This group has become a popular community for women to share stories about men they are dating and get input from other women who have dated the same guy. A girl I know falsely posted on a “are we dating the same guy?” Facebook page that I had an std. “Scores of Facebook groups called "Are We Dating The Same Guy" promise sisterhood and safety. No rude or hateful comments to the person posting. considerablycuntierthanyou · 07/02/2023 06:47. This page is for woman ONLY! All men will be declined. We decided to make a group dedicated with the same mission. The point of the page is to keep each other safe, and avoid shitty and potentially dangerous men. The group aims to keep women safe by sharing negative experiences with the broader community. 1,558 likes · 58 talking about this. 1. Got posted on "Are We Dating the Same Guy" and got my car vandalized! Long story short, I was "seeing" someone for two and a half months (we'll call her Lady A ). His wife found out he was on this because two ex-girlfriends decided to post about him. 1K members Join group About Discussion More About this group Welcome! This page was largely inspired by similar groups for other cities, and is intended to be a safe, private. Got posted on "Are We Dating the Same Guy" and got my car vandalized! Long story short, I was "seeing" someone for two and a half months (we'll call her Lady A ). The Facebook group ‘Are We Dating The Same Guy?’ functions as a way to crowd-source men’s reputations and warn women when those men might be harmful or even dangerous. I have gained access to Denver’s “Are we dating the same guy?” Facebook group and the mess is exquisite. Are we dating the same Guy? NY/NJ. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. Hey! Are you dating the some guy with someone else? Are you dating a guy and want to find out more? Are you looking for any red/green flags?. These types of platforms are like The Inquisition or the KGB. Warn each other about a man. its horrible out there. Alberta Victim Services (toll free) 310-0000 | 780-427-3460. Not judgement. He is asking for $2m in damages. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. Just because your friend is a “nice guy” to you doesn’t mean he doesn’t and can’t treat other women terribly. Are we dating the same guy "insert your city" - is a growing Facebook group for women to protect and empower others while warning each other of men they have. Respect everyone's privacy. Seek relationship advice and support in general. TDLR: The officer assumed the man was the aggressor and went in to apprehend him instead of the active threat (a woman with a knife) chasing him. 230. Are We Dating The Same Guy? USA. About this group. It can be used as a place where women can warn other women about. There’s one for most bigger cities. Group rules from the admins. Despite only being a few months old, the group has gained a significant following and has over 8,000. Add message. The Virginia wife arrested for killing her husband appeared on the 'Are We Dating the Same Guy?'. -It can be used as a place where girls can warn other girls about toxic men. Your post will. About this group. The Focal Project /Flickr. Paola and Blake are the ones behind most of the bigger groups. Millions of members logged in daily. I guess there’s now a “are we dating the same woman. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. While it is common in the dating world to explore a connection with multiple people at the same time — and dates often inevitably build to the "are we exclusive" conversation — lies continue to run wild on these apps. Article content. Gain valuable insights, make informed decisions, and find support in a community-driven environment. We're all in this together to create a Welcoming environment. — Virginia Beach Police say 30-year-old Christina. 10 likes · 2 talking about this. I can understand it. 5. Advertisement Coins. Different people have different experiences with the same man. I joined mine last night and am absolutely floored- I instantly recognized 10 guys who I had talked to and/or dated over the past year. — Virginia. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. ” It’s called “don’t date her. Blake, on the other hand, has set up a woman's profile and is using that to be one of the moderators in these groups. Soon, women all over the country were posting in their local “Are We Dating the Same Guy?” groups—describing men they’d matched with on dating apps, or asking for intel on others. Scores of Facebook groups called ‘Are We Dating The Same Guy’ promise sisterhood and security. It was acquired by Badoo. 5. Group rules from the admins. with the current trend of online dating , we can never be sure the guys we are dating are dating us only as they say. Any girl who is found to have leaked a post may be posted about to the entire group as a warning to others. Denver/Boulder group has 884 members. Your relationship with online dating just got better: Tinder has. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. About this group. I exposed my rapist on a “are we dating the same guy” fb page and it prevented at least 5 women from going on a date with him. Am vazut pe tiktok ca s-a facut un grup numit “Are we dating the same guy?” pentru Romania, poate chiar si pentru Bucuresti. If you share information outside the group, you will be blocked, and the women you put in danger will be notified of your identity. Fries before guys. So you take the information and use it to decide whether you would like to at least meet this guy and see what he's all about. There are "Are We Dating the Same Girl" groups, but they are smaller and thus have less reach. The group called 'Are We Dating the Same Guy' is a space where mainly women who date men seek and share opinions about the men they are dating or have dated, largely in an effort to be warned or. Do not push your views on other members, even if you think they're wrong. MONEY TALKS: Woman inundated with dates after adding credit score to dating profile. Meanwhile, it would seem that hanging out is just a euphemism for hooking up. In the groups, women. 2. There. The private group called “Are We Dating The Same Guy?” was created in May by three users with info-free profiles (Washingtonians contacted them but didn’t get an immediate response) and has gained over 2,000. “There’s a girl on here saying this guy owes her £26,000,” she laughs. How it works. It doesn't matter if you know him, and he "never did that to you". Do not screenshot or share anything seen in this group. -It can be used as a place where girls can warn other girls about toxic men. ” Dontdateher(. "Don't ever say to somebody 'we need to talk' because that will immediately throw them into a panic," says Los Angeles-based relationship and dating coach Lisa Shield. I’ve heard plenty of dating horror stories. . Someone even took the time to report him on the dating apps he appears on. 2. -It can be used as a place where girls can warn other girls about toxic men. 6. 1 The group also allowed women to warn each other about men. They’re city-specific groups in which women are posting photos of their partners and asking if anyone else has an inside scoop. 62 likes · 13 talking about this. Get the inside scoop on today’s biggest stories in business. For the safety of all of our members, what's posted here needs to stay here. 2. National Domestic Violence Help: Hotline - 800-799-7233. I became aware of the following phenomenon not too long ago. Este pe aici un spion care sa ma infiltreze in acest grup secret? Credeam ca e pe fb. Are We Dating the Same Guy? Manitoba is a private women-only Facebook group where people post photos and other details about their partners or dating prospects to solicit feedback from the collective. Over the past year there have been Facebook groups popping up in major cities all over the US called “are we dating the same guy (city)” These are private Facebook groups filled with thousands of local women who screen shot dating profiles and ask for details about the guy, and other women are posting pics of their exes and making. Being part of this group requires mutual trust. 3. Once Barrie and Scott got together, the husbands decided to split amicably, as they always "want to be there for our children. Share this article. -It can be used as a place where girls can warn other girls about toxic men. We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. -It can be used as a place where girls can warn other girls about toxic men. This page does not respond to messages patreon. 4. Just recently learned about the Facebook page/group started by a group of women to basically compare notes on potential dates and check their not dating a guy already in a relationship. It doesn’t have to be 80% of women dating the same guy. Let's treat everyone with respect. . Check your security. 8K Likes, 605 Comments. Right, but the groups I'm talking about, the "Are We Dating the Same Guy?" groups, usually have a city name after them. Don't make comments based on a guy’s looks, attire, name, age, or occupation. )org It says it's a place to protect men from lying cheating and abusive women, If you’re unfamiliar with “are we dating the same guy” you can learn more on this postWelcome! This page was largely inspired by similar groups for other cities, and is intended to be a safe, private space for women to help each other in the difficult world of dating. Victim of “are we dating the same guy” Facebook group. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. What's shared in the group should stay in the group. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. We understand how valuable it is to remain anonymous in this setting for your comfort and safety, so we take it very seriously. You put other women's safety at risk when you do this. There are popular Facebook groups called “Are We Dating the Same Guy?” that are helping women know if he's a good guy or find out if your partner is cheating. Just a couple of days before Calvin Wang's death, there was a post showing Christina Wang's name on a social media page called "Are We Dating the Same Guy?" That post warned others that Calvin was. The small detail many are missing and why he wasn’t charged. Group rules from the admins.